Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New toy images - MP Grimlock, Alternity Megatron & Convoy, ROTF Soundwave

Several new images of upcoming Transformers products have surfaced.
First, tfw2005 has scans of the latest issue of Hobby Japan magazine. The fist scan is of the Masterpiece MP-08 Grimlock prototype. What makes this image so special is that it's the first shot of his dino mode from the underside, as well as the first size comparison of the figure to the original G1 Grimlock figure.
Also, they have images of the upcoming Alternity line. The first image is the control art for Megatron, which gives us a good look at wht his head and upper torso should look like. The other gives us a size comparison of Alternity Convoy with four other Convoys: Masterpiece Convoy, Optimus Prime (movie, Leader class), Henkei Convoy, and G1 Convoy.
Lastly, it would seem that the previously leaked ROTF Soundwave figure images are not as fake as previously thought as three more images from two different sources have surfaced. The first two are from HK-TF. These two photos not only show us a fully body shot of the figure, but also reveal a light-up feature in robot mode, as well as revealing what the vehilce mode looks like: an alien ship. With the current rumors/spoilers about Soundwave being either a satellite or a truck, we may be getting three Soundwave figures in the ROTF toyline: Pre-earth mode, satellite altmode, and truck altmode.
The last image comes from, which is the blog that belongs to the reliable s250. This image shows us the clearest look of the figure's face and torso. Make whatever you want of this toy, but it sure seems real.
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