Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Kettou Beast Wars: Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen

A long time ago, I called everyone's attention to the Predicon Empire where they had the old Japanese Exclusive Game Boy Color Beast Wars game available for download with emulator. In the same vein, I now call your attention to the Sprite Database where you can find the sprites for download for this very same game. They have Lio Convoy, Scuba, Cheetor, Optimus Primal, Star Upper, Galvatron, Guiledart, Megastorm, Megatron, Artemis & Moon, Beast Characters and Enemies, some Crystals, Earth, and the battle Backgrounds.
If you are like me and enjoy making games in your spare time, you may enjoy using these sprites for your own endevours!
I am currently in the process of color correcting these sprites and am one set away. I'll be uploading the color corrected sprites to my photobucket soon. Funny how even though they were on the Game Boy Color, each character only had one color along with white. It's almost laughable when you look at games now. Oh well...
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