Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated Sunstorm and (G1) Shockwave Revealed!

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-12-04 12:23 pm
Oh wonderful, WONDERFUL! Hasbro PR, we are unworthy to even bask in your magnificant aura! Your pictures so vivid, your communication so revealing! Your brilliance astounds us all!
Animated Sunstorm, the fantastically written Starcream (suck-up) clone and a G1 color inspired Shockwave have been revealed to us this morning as soon-to-be-released Target Exclusives! Check out their photo galleries by clicking the links.
We've also been sent images of new Universe Mini-cons and Robot heroes. Bear with us as we get the images uploaded!
And really, we extend a sincere thank you to Mr. Muscone for sending us the images!
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