Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New hints of two more TFA season 3 characters!

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Sabrblade at 2008-12-07 12:22 pm
Several months ago, we received a list of several new characters that are to appear in Transformers Animated season 3. Among the one listed on that list was one described as "A****, a bit different than previous show, more details". Many assumed that this character would be either Acree or Alpha (Trion).
Well, s250 of has two more of these same kind of character hints, and these two seem to be new hints:
A**** T****
D** A****
Both are described as "old guys" and "all close to their G1 version".
Now who do we know that are old, from G1, and have those letters in their names?
I'd say that they are probably... Alpha Trion and Dai Atlas!
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