Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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Free Comic Book Day details, Transformers and more!

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DocWho at 2008-12-11 8:11 am
The official Free Comic Book Day website has posted details about the available comics for 'purchase', one of which is a Transformers Animated/G.I. Joe comic. One has to note that this comic is not a crossover, merely one book, two stories.
The description reads: G.I. Joe and the Transformers kick off IDW's FCBD09 promotional comic with three great stories. First up is an 11-page Transformers Animated tale that features a young Optimus Prime in his days at the Autobot Academy. It is quite likely that this story is a reprint from the one in the upcoming The Arrival #6, and the rest are G.I. Joe stories.
You can find the details about the comics available here
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