Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
One more TFA character hint

Posted by:
Sabrblade at 2008-12-15 2:45 pm
The ever revealing has posted character hint for another new Transformers Animated character: W**P***
There's no description acconpanying it this time, but the only name that comes to mind with those letters in that order is "Warpath". If it's him, then "WHAM! BANG! That's cool!", and s250 who runs that site, is from where we were given the first characters hints (most of which turned out to be true) and the second hints of the new characters from Transformers Animated season 3. Here's hoping that the reliability has not died out.
There's no description acconpanying it this time, but the only name that comes to mind with those letters in that order is "Warpath". If it's him, then "WHAM! BANG! That's cool!", and s250 who runs that site, is from where we were given the first characters hints (most of which turned out to be true) and the second hints of the new characters from Transformers Animated season 3. Here's hoping that the reliability has not died out.
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