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News Item
Universe and ROTF toyline news

TFW2005 has some interesting news regarding the future of the Transformers Universe toyline:
In an interview that is printed in Toyfare #138 (February 2009 issue), Hasbro's Transformers Universe designer Bill Rawley talks about the future of the Universe line. He states that the Universe line, which is going on hiatus next year for the movie line, may return in some incarnation following Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen but is dependent on several factors. If Universe does return, Bill states that two character on top of his wish list are Generation One Soundwave and Beast Wars Rhinox. The article goes on to state that Rhinox is invisioned as being at least a Voyager-sized figure. While the article provides no confirmation that Universe will return after the movie line nor confirmation of Soundwave or Rhinox being produced, having these two figures on the designer's wish list provides hope that these two characters will receive updated figures.
In addition, they also have received the first in-package images of four Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class toys: returning to the shelves in all new molds are Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, joining the ranks of the Decepticons is the newcomer Jetfire (rumored to join the Autobots later), and introducing the newest Autobot known for the toyline Autobot Springer!
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