Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Derrick Wyatt Interview on TFW2005

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Anonymous at 2008-12-18 11:45 am
Check out a new and very interesting interview with Transformers Animated, lead character designer Dererrick Wyatt on TFW2005. It's jam packed with insight and teasers about what we might expect to see in the future of Transformers Animated. Enjoy his animated character sketch of himself and other goodies like concept art for Kickback!
He talks about character design, what Transformers are on his "wish list," how he is involved in story development, and more!
Here is a brief excerpt:
Is there anything you would like to say to the fans who have a hard time adjusting to the designs of Transformers Animated (because of the difference in style) or to those who have seemingly been turned off to new characters coming out (a la Jetfire/Jetstorm)?
DW: I do get a little frustrated with people who equate a more cartoony style with being kiddie or pre-school. It’s a weird trend with American fanboys that I don’t understand at all. Like they only way to go for these guys is to do it uber real world, dark and gritty. It’s strange to me because you look at places like Japan or Europe, and they have no problem with a broad range of styles. Most animation fans around the world realize that having a more pushed or cartoony design in no way makes it just for kids. We have done our best to make TFA a show that both kids (a new generation of fans) and longtime fans alike can enjoy. I know by now from seeing fan reaction so far that at least 85% of Transformers fans will come around once they see everything in it’s final form. For the other guys that only like the first 14 episodes of G1, season two, with the exception of the ones featuring Seaspray, and everything else is heresy, I know I’m never going to win them over. And that’s fine. I am very picky about Transformers and Transformers lore too. There are some things I will never accept either. So I understand. But it’s a great time to be a Transformers fan. If you don’t like Animated you have Michael Bay, the IDW comics continuity, Classics, and some great Takara reissues. And for those of us who like it all, this is the best ever!
Hear, hear Derrick! Well put. Check out the link to read the interview in its entirety.
He talks about character design, what Transformers are on his "wish list," how he is involved in story development, and more!
Here is a brief excerpt:
Is there anything you would like to say to the fans who have a hard time adjusting to the designs of Transformers Animated (because of the difference in style) or to those who have seemingly been turned off to new characters coming out (a la Jetfire/Jetstorm)?
DW: I do get a little frustrated with people who equate a more cartoony style with being kiddie or pre-school. It’s a weird trend with American fanboys that I don’t understand at all. Like they only way to go for these guys is to do it uber real world, dark and gritty. It’s strange to me because you look at places like Japan or Europe, and they have no problem with a broad range of styles. Most animation fans around the world realize that having a more pushed or cartoony design in no way makes it just for kids. We have done our best to make TFA a show that both kids (a new generation of fans) and longtime fans alike can enjoy. I know by now from seeing fan reaction so far that at least 85% of Transformers fans will come around once they see everything in it’s final form. For the other guys that only like the first 14 episodes of G1, season two, with the exception of the ones featuring Seaspray, and everything else is heresy, I know I’m never going to win them over. And that’s fine. I am very picky about Transformers and Transformers lore too. There are some things I will never accept either. So I understand. But it’s a great time to be a Transformers fan. If you don’t like Animated you have Michael Bay, the IDW comics continuity, Classics, and some great Takara reissues. And for those of us who like it all, this is the best ever!
Hear, hear Derrick! Well put. Check out the link to read the interview in its entirety.
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