Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New Robot Heroes toys, TFA Dirge and Samurai Prowl, and Legends Universe Wheelie & ROTF Jetfire

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Sabrblade at 2008-12-19 3:34 pm
TFW2005 has the first images of the new Robot Heroes toys: Optimus Primal vs. Jetstorm (both from Beast Machines) and Victory Saber vs. Dessaras (both from Transformers Victory). Note the change in Deszaras' English name; his BotCon toy was named "Deathsaurus", and now we have this new name "Dessaras".
Also, they have discovered what the bio is for Activators Dirge:
Greedy, grasping, and never satisfied, DIRGE always hungers for more. More power. More fuel. More altitude. Whatever it is, DIRGE wants all of it. He's another clone of STARSCREAM who reveals the worst aspect of that fighter ace's ambition-- the inability to ever be content with what he has.
Sounds to me like he's the "Glutton Starscream clone".
Plus, ACToys has a detailed gallery showing the differences between the Samurai Prowl figure and the original Prowl from Wave 1 of Animated (aside from the additional armor, of course). See the translated version of the page here (mind all the 'Engrish' errors).
Finally, TF08 has new images of the upcoming Legends class Universe Wheelie and ROTF Jetfire. The initial pictures show Jetfire mistransformed in vehicle mode, but later pictures have this fixed. Also notice that Wheelie is shown having his slingshot come with him, which should be interesting.
Also, they have discovered what the bio is for Activators Dirge:
Greedy, grasping, and never satisfied, DIRGE always hungers for more. More power. More fuel. More altitude. Whatever it is, DIRGE wants all of it. He's another clone of STARSCREAM who reveals the worst aspect of that fighter ace's ambition-- the inability to ever be content with what he has.
Sounds to me like he's the "Glutton Starscream clone".
Plus, ACToys has a detailed gallery showing the differences between the Samurai Prowl figure and the original Prowl from Wave 1 of Animated (aside from the additional armor, of course). See the translated version of the page here (mind all the 'Engrish' errors).
Finally, TF08 has new images of the upcoming Legends class Universe Wheelie and ROTF Jetfire. The initial pictures show Jetfire mistransformed in vehicle mode, but later pictures have this fixed. Also notice that Wheelie is shown having his slingshot come with him, which should be interesting.
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