Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
ROTF Legends images, Animated Blackout's altmode

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Sabrblade at 2008-12-24 12:46 pm
New Images of ROTF Legends Optimus Prime and Jetfire have been shown at TF08. What's interesting about these images is that reveal/confirm some spoilerific feature that show thes 'connection' that the two characters will make between each other. You may view the toys here.
Also, s250's blog has yet again treated us with the concept art for another Animated character. This time it's Blackout's altmode: a giant ship. It is rumored that he will be the Decepticon equivalent to Animated Omega Supreme, we'll just have to wait and see. Check out his concept art here.
Also, s250's blog has yet again treated us with the concept art for another Animated character. This time it's Blackout's altmode: a giant ship. It is rumored that he will be the Decepticon equivalent to Animated Omega Supreme, we'll just have to wait and see. Check out his concept art here.
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