Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Beast Wars, season 1

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-12-31 9:40 am
(site update)
Whether "Optimus as monkey, NOT truck" excites you or makes your blood boil, the Beast Wars is (IMHO) completely responsible for the rebirth of Transformers from its early '90's dormancy. On this day as we say goodbye to 2008, we look back to the beginning of ths prominent era in TF history. Check out the 1996 Transformers Section where you will find links in the left hand "fiction" column to image galleries of each of the 13 episodes of Beast Wars first season!
1 - Beast Wars, Part One
2 - Beast Wars, Part Two
3 - The Web
4 - Equal Measures
5 - Chain of Command
6 - Power Surge
7 - Fallen Comrades
8 - Double Jeopardy
9 - The Probe
10 - Gorilla Warfare
11 - A Better Mousetrap
12 - Victory
13 - Dark Designs
As well as the introduction of fan favorites such as Maximals: Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rhinox, Rattrap and Dinobot and Predacons: Megatron, Waspinator, Tarantulas, Scorponok and Terrorsaur... This season also featured the introduction of Blackarachnia and Tigatron. Enjoy!
Hope everyone had as much fun in 2008 as we did. Here's to an outstanding 2009!
Whether "Optimus as monkey, NOT truck" excites you or makes your blood boil, the Beast Wars is (IMHO) completely responsible for the rebirth of Transformers from its early '90's dormancy. On this day as we say goodbye to 2008, we look back to the beginning of ths prominent era in TF history. Check out the 1996 Transformers Section where you will find links in the left hand "fiction" column to image galleries of each of the 13 episodes of Beast Wars first season!
1 - Beast Wars, Part One
2 - Beast Wars, Part Two
3 - The Web
4 - Equal Measures
5 - Chain of Command
6 - Power Surge
7 - Fallen Comrades
8 - Double Jeopardy
9 - The Probe
10 - Gorilla Warfare
11 - A Better Mousetrap
12 - Victory
13 - Dark Designs
As well as the introduction of fan favorites such as Maximals: Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rhinox, Rattrap and Dinobot and Predacons: Megatron, Waspinator, Tarantulas, Scorponok and Terrorsaur... This season also featured the introduction of Blackarachnia and Tigatron. Enjoy!
Hope everyone had as much fun in 2008 as we did. Here's to an outstanding 2009!
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