Transformers Construct-Bots Toys

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Transformers Toy List - Construct-Bots... 

Construct-Bots 2013
(20 toys)
Construct-Bots 2014
(27 toys)
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Construct-Bots - 2013

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Assortment - Scout

Arsenal Pack Bumblebee
sgt rvw
Breakdown - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Cliffjumper - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Dead End - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
pkg sgt rvw
pkg sgt rvw
sgt rvw

Assortment - Elite

sgt rvw
sgt rvw
Megatron - Construct-Bots Elite
pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime - Construct-bots Elite
sgt rvw
Predaking - Construct-Bots
pkg sgt rvw
Shockwave - Construct-Bots, Elite
sgt rvw
Silverbolt - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
sgt rvw
sgt rvw
pkg sgt rvw

Assortment - Triple Changer

pkg sgt rvw
pkg sgt rvw

Assortment - Ultimate

Optimus Prime v Megatron
sgt rvw
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Construct-Bots - 2014

Assortment #A6150 - Dinobot Riders

Bumblebee - Construct-Bots, Dinobot Riders
sgt rvw
Crosshairs - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Drift - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Galvatron (Dino Riders)
sgt rvw
Hound - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Lockdown - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Starscream (Dino Riders)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Scout

Grimlock (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Scorn (Construct-Bots)
sgt rvw
Slash (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Slug (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Strafe (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Elite

Bulkhead - Construct-Bots Triple Team
sgt rvw
Bumblebee (Beast Hunters, Construct-Bots)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Beast Hunters, Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Ripclaw - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Shockwave - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Skystalker - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Starscream - Beast Hunters, Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Unicron Megatron - Construct-Bots Triple Team
sgt rvw

Assortment #A6149 - Dinobot Warriors

Bumblebee with Nosedive- Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Drift with Roughneck - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
pkg sgt rvw
Hound with Wide Load- Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Lockdown with Hangnail - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime with Gnaw - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw

Assortment - Ultimate

Dinofire Grimlock - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw

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